Privacy Policy

World Mat Gym is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell or disclose any information that identifies you to a third party without your prior approval. We may use the information we collect to periodically notify you about new services or special offers we think you'll find valuable. If you would rather not receive this information, you may send an e-mail to support@worldmatgym.comwith "unsubscribe" as the subject line or alternately if you would like to subscribe this may be done in similar fashion with "subscribe" as the subject line.

World Mat Gym does not sell, nor trade or rent your personal information to others. This includes contact information like your name and e-mail address, financial information like your credit card number and demographic information such as your address. The information that we gather from you, our valued customer, is stored in our database on a secure server. When you place repeat orders from, your personal information will be used to save you time by not having to ask for your name, address, phone, etc.

At, we use a dedicated SSL certificate authenticated by Geotrust to offer secure communications by encrypting all data to and from the site.